Scaling Down my Training

Scaling Down

I have been training to come back to be a Network Administrator for about 2-3 years. Only since 2022 have I been getting certifications again. I’m having more luck with studying and at a point where I can get a part time job in IT due to my anxiety. I am scaling down my training because there are certifications that I want to build up to but not at this point in my journey. I have found some things that I want to do with getting my career back on track.

The journey that I am on is one to become a CTO over the next 10 to 15 years which is a marathon and not a sprint. I am still working on this, however I am now on the path to this future position. Studying more intently now and want to do some upkeep to my A+ certification with CEU’s. I am doing the CEU’s from LinkedIn Learning and have some more to get this year.

Certification Training

Focused on the Network+ training material now and want to go more in depth into studying for it. There are only two additional certifications that I am going for after the Network+. These are the CCNA and the Certified in Cybersecurity certifications. For the CCNA I have redone the study plan and went down to four books with some Udemy,, and CBT Nuggets training left. I am willing to go with the CC certification by having a solid study plan.


I am working on doing the training for the CCNA. After I am done reading the Certified in Cybersecurity book I am doing the CCNA ICND2 Study Guide and the CCT/CCNA Routing and Switching Exam guide books. These will help me get some more repetitions and some more training to pass the 200-301 CCNA exam. I would like to take more of a break later on in the year and add these certifications to the CCST: Networking exam that I passed earlier this year.

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